Ellen Ellis Lee


Retired after 25 years of the absolutely wonderful world of backstage and costumes, I was truly privileged to be able to mix work and fun!! I’ll be forever thankful for the memories and experiences while working Broadway, TV, and Feature Films.

The gifts to my life continue. I’m on to yet another fabulous adventure…instinct and the desire to salute life dictates all of my decisions. I’m creating one-of-a-kind mixed media figurative sculptures, vases, and wall art. My partners are clay, textiles, paint, wood, nature, gifts, recycled, and repurposed goodies. Using collected treasures is so much fun. I like the marriage of juxtaposed entities and using them in unexpected ways.

The emotions reflected in my work are influenced by nature, fashion, costumes, music, tribal dress, and African Art. Hopefully, the love poured into each.

Phone: (228) 229-0665
Email: ellenellislee@gmail.com